Two Steinberger guitars.

Ignorant, Arrogant, Inconsiderate, Ill-mannered, Unplesant, Bully, Neighbor.... Buffalo Chip!

The Rack; Page 2
My toys are for sale.
Contact Information
Two Steinberger Guitars
John B. Hartman Electric, L.L.C.
Some of my favorite links.
HP stuff for sale.
Hardwood Floors
Photographer And Graphic Artist
FreeCell Cheats!
Reserved Master Carpenters
WebMaster Tools
My Auto Concierge
Pete Renzetti
Jim Beaver
Master Fiddler
Hold The Phone!
The Future....
Gordon Garvine
MIDI Converter
Buffalo Chip
Lawyer Stuff
Gene Zambino, Painting
Bill Britt & Billy Britt
Jason Grygo
Uncle John's Attic
The "SALE"
60 and counting

Click on the picture of my Zenith TV "monitor" to see some of the images that I have been recording since September 2004. I have an infrared color TV camera in the kitchen window and a SONY VHS VCR in the audio/video rack in my living room.... This image is from Sunday, December 11, 2005 at 8:00 AM.

7d X 24h from the kitchen window video recording.
I have 3 TVs in my living room, this is what I see "on demand." from the kitchen window camera.

My next door neighbor, for nearly 25 years, has done everything he can concieve to bully, and dominate me.... He has gone too far out of his way to interfere with the peace, and tranquility that I fought for in Viet Nam, and Berlin, Germany back in the 1960s as a member of the ARMY, NAVY, and AIR FORCE....
I resent the treatment he has been dishing out for the past quarter of a century.... And there WILL be a change in 2006. The coming year has the promise of change, and I'm the catalyst that will produce a positive and refreshing result....
We've been taking turns taking pictures of one another.... Here's where I have been putting my pictures:

Mel Gibson made a movie about something that I was a participant of.... As a member of the First Cavaly Division Airmobile I participated in "Operation Silver Bayonet" a 45 days long "campaign" in Pleiku provence, Viet Nam. It (Mel Gibson's movie.) is called "We Were Soldiers" Some of the events that I survived still disturb me, and presently all of those rights that I fought for in Viet Nam are being denied me, and it's beginning to look as though I'm going to be compelled to fight for those rights again! I'm nearly 64 years old, and I have been in a fight with cancer for the past six years. Medication that I am taking is stealing my physical attributes, and I should not be faced with what's coming.... I will NOT cut 'n' run....

The Dick Weeds, and the Pussy Willows, got together and produced a Buffalo Chip! His "nick name" is "CHIP" but recently I conferred the name "Buffalo Chip" on him because he earnned the accolade as a result of the manner in which he has conducted himself, and maintained the relationship between himself, and yours truely....

I'm emotionally, and intellectually ready to go to battle now, and I'm in the process of "suiting up" for the fight....
Today I started building a website dedicated to this monumental idiot, and I'm uploading "evidence" for my "leagal" assistants (Attorneys) who are planning to relieve him of some of his hot shot, big shot, know it all, cash!
He has managed to cultivate "friendships" with everyone in my neighborhood but me. For 25 years now he has dominated, and bullied me and it's over.... No more mister nice guy.

Later, but very soon, I will add links to the photographs and deeds to our properties. where-in anyone can see what the problem is, and anyone can see that I have been quite cordial, effervescent, kind, gracious, and patient even more so than "JOB...." I have been very good natured about all of this untill May 28, 2005.
As of today (Friday, December 9, 2005.) He's all finished imposing his bad ideas, bad manners, and un-wholesome attitude on me. Please look for many photos and information linked to this website very soon.... The end is nigh at hand Buffalo Chip!

Today is Saturday, May 20, 2006 and the battle is heating up a notch.... New Castle County has entered the fight here is my report at this URL:

On Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 9:00 AM I added six more photos to the bottom of this page:

More Buffalo Chip Graphic Images

On Monday, July 16, 2007 at 9:30 A.M. I built this: "DickWeed, PussyWillow, ButtWad, BuffaloChip, George A. Beaver...." George A. Beaver's Propagation Page at this URL:



Home, The Rack; Page 2, My toys are for sale., Contact Information, Two Steinberger Guitars, John B. Hartman Electric, L.L.C., Some of my favorite links., HP stuff for sale., Hardwood Floors, Affordable Rooter, FreeCell Cheats!, Reserved Master Carpenters, WebMaster Tools, My Auto Concierge, Pete Renzetti, Jim Beaver, Master Fiddler, Hold The Phone!, The Future...., 4W5, 4W5 Pix4W5 Cafe, A Sign To You, WPVI TV 6., MIDI Converter., Buffalo Chip., Lawyer Stuff.,Gene Zambino.,T-R-O-U-B-L-E.,The Sign Guy.,Red Hot And Bluegrass.....,Some Papers....,.Been There, Done That.....,HP 41 CX.....,My Toys.,Vacation Photo Album.,Family Photo Album.,Favorite Links.,

These are some of the major search engines that I use: NoNags.Com (Alexa, AllTheWeb, AltaVista, GalaxyGoogle, HotSHEETLycos, Info.Com, Mamma, MetaCrawler, Netscape, AOL, DogPileAsk Jeeves, HotBot, iXquick, Teoma,, WebCrawler, WindSeek, MSN, YaHoo! & etc. et al...gMail)

These are some of the pictures that I have uploaded, The webpage is still being designed, and for that reason is still under construction.... Look for that piece of work very soon, right here.... The "driveway" belongs to both of us and we are supposed to keep it un-obstructed, and open so that either of us has unfrettered access, egress, and ingress to our back yards. For the past 25 years I have had to ask for permission to use my driveway when ever they were'nt on vacation, or could find the time to be home and answer the door....
Because I had the backbone to stand up for my right to use my driveway (I called the police twice....) Buffalo Chip painted a line down the center of the driveway and refuses to move his vehicle from "his side" of the "community" property! Here's the proof of his conduct among these pictures.... There are three (3) "community property driveways" on our block of Smyrna Avenue in Gwinhurst, and both him and his wife don't get it.... When my attorneys are finished with them they'll probably get the idea, but by then it'll be a too late, pricy education....


This banner is a link to Steinberger accessories,
and more information about me and my "toys for sale..."



I'm always here....
Even when I'm not!

Click on Earth for more about my toys for sale...
Steinberger, Gibson, & Martin guitars, amps, rack mount efx. etc...

This website was edited and updated by J. Robert Beaver (_JimBeaver@YaHoo.Com_), (_A_Web_Master@YaHoo.Com_),  or (_JamesBeaver@gMail.Com_)  on Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 9:54 AM. EST.
A special thanks to Lycos® which is a registered trademark of Carnegie Mellon University, for hosting my website, and allowing me to have the privilege to use this server, and it's resources...
Sunday, July 31, 2005 14:27 E.D.S.T.
Jim Beaver, 203 Smyrna Avenue, Gwinhurst, Brandywine Hundred, New Castle County, Wilmington, Delaware, 19809-1236,
Steinberger, guitars, Gibson Guitars, Hewlett Packard calculators and much more for sale.
Phone: 302 798 0195.




Centerville, Delaware

Art Mahaffey

1964 Philadelphia Phillies Right Handed All Star Pitcher Number 28, Art Mahaffey



Claymont Fire Company